Studielink Student Panel

Studielink created the Studielink Student Panel to give students and the professionals who work with them a greater say about present and future Studielink processes and projects.

What does the Studielink Student Panel do?

The Studielink Student Panel allows students to share their thoughts on improvements to Studielink. The Student Panel is made up of students, education desks and student counsellors. We use brainstorming sessions with panel members to gather input, assess improvements and discuss what else could be improved.

What will be expected of you?

As a member of the Student Panel, an account will be created for you on the Studielink Platform, via which we will share information about new brainstorming sessions with you, ask you questions and invite you to respond. As a member of the Student Panel, you always decide where and when to take part in a session. Participating students also receive a payment for every session in which they take part!



We want our Student Panel to be made up of a very diverse group of students and the professionals who work with them. The aim is for the Studielink Student Panel to be the best possible representation of the student population in the Netherlands.